
New York State Grown & Certified Program

Wed, 08/02/2023 - 9:13am -- Christine Urf

New York State Grown & Certified Program was created to strengthen consumer confidence in NY products and assist farmers so they can take advantage of the growing market for locally grown foods.  Producers are required to adhere to high standards of food safety and environmental stewardship. Consumers are able to quickly identify local, safely handled and environmentally responsible agricultural products. This program is voluntary and is a cooperative effort among producers, processors, wholesalers, retailers, restaurants, and the NYS Dept of Agriculture and Markets.

NYS FFA Convention held in May

Wed, 07/19/2023 - 10:54am -- Christine Urf

Students from three schools in Cattaraugus County attended the annual NYS FFA Convention at the Buffalo Convention Center in May. For three days students from all over New York converged in their blue corduroy jackets to participate in contests known as Career Development Events (CDE) and Leadership Development Events (LDE), elect the 2023 state officer team and celebrate agriculture.

Consolidated Funding Applications Open

Tue, 05/23/2023 - 2:22pm -- Christine Urf

The Regional Economic Development Councils (REDC) and the Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) were created to advance efforts to improve New York’s business climate and expand economic growth. The REDCs support the state’s
innovative approach to economic development, which empowers regional stakeholders to establish pathways to prosperity, mapped out in regional strategic plans.

11th Annual Farmer-Neighbor Dinner Announced

Fri, 03/03/2023 - 3:06pm -- webmaster
Udderly awesome time at the F.N. Dinner! Get your tickets for April 12, 2023

The Cattaraugus County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board, along with the Cattaraugus County Department of Economic Development, Planning and Tourism, the Cattaraugus County Farm Bureau and the Cattaraugus County Soil and Water Conservation District will host the 11th Annual Cattaraugus County Farmer-Neighbor Dinner on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at the West Valley Fire Hall, 9091 Route 240, West Valley, NY.

CCE Launches Pollinator Habitat Program

Thu, 11/03/2022 - 9:01am -- Christine Urf

Are you concerned about the decline in pollinators and want to help? Have you created or would like your garden space to offer refuge to our important pollinators? Then you may want to have your garden “certified”! The Master Gardeners of Cattaraugus County are excited to launch a pollinator habitat certification program. The goal of this program is to raise awareness about the importance of pollinators and to encourage all our neighbors and community members to get involved.



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